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PRP (Platelet rich plasma) therapy is used to stimulate your body to grow healthy new cells and promote healing. When injected, PRP is thought to promote healing. Your Charlotte dermatology practice has this treatment available.

Plasma is a component in your bloodstream that contains special proteins that can help your blood clot. Plasma also contains proteins that support the growth of cells.

How does it work?

To prepare for treatment, your doctor will take a sample of your blood. This sample is sealed in a container and placed in a centrifuge. The centrifuge then spins fast enough to separate the blood sample into parts; one of these parts is PRP.

These PRP components are then re-injected into your scalp or face to treat different conditions such as scars, acne, wrinkles, hair loss, and more.

PRP benefits when performed by a Ballantyne dermatologist

Some treatment examples where a doctor can use platelet-rich plasma therapy include:

Hair growth

The inflammation that can lead to hair loss can be reduced through an injection of PRP to the scalp. A study has reported that males who have received a PRP treatment regrew their hair and with more density than men who didn’t receive any treatment.

Facial rejuvenation

Collagen production in the skin is stimulated by a PRP treatment. Collagen is produced by your body to make your skin firm and smooth. As you age, there is a reduction in the production of collagen made by your body. Other factors such as smoking and exposure to the sun can also reduce your skin’s collagen production. Factors such as these can lead to the development of signs of aging, such as facial wrinkles. Through the use of PRP, your collagen levels can be boosted to help you maintain clear, youthful, and smooth skin.

Scar reduction

Platelet-rich plasma therapy can be used to treat acne scars. When a scar appears, the tissue is broken up and pulled downwards into your skin. When PRP is injected into the empty space underneath your skin, the PRP restores your skin’s collagen production in the affected area, giving a chance for your scars to heal correctly.

Possible side effects and warnings

It is important to remember that a PRP treatment is not entirely inclusive. It’s not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding, people suffering from anemia, anyone with an active infection, or those who have a blood disorder or are using any anticoagulants.

It is rare to experience side effects from PRP since the treatment involves using your own blood. So, there is no harm in injecting yourself with your own blood. There may be some slight redness or pain at the site of your injection, but this will be temporary.

Top PRP treatments in Charlotte, NC

For those suffering from hair loss and scars, PRP from a Ballantyne dermatologist is a good form of therapy that can help patients reach their aesthetic and cosmetic goals through a natural and safe process. This treatment is tried, tested, and can be customized to your needs.

Contact Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte, Charlotte’s top Ballantyne and Blakeney Dermatologist, for your dermatology care.