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8936 Blakeney Professional Drive

Charlotte, NC 28277

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PRP therapy in Charlotte can significantly help clear away your scars and any other skin imperfections you may be facing. Woman to woman, we totally understand how a minor skin imperfection can make us feel totally insecure. We tried basically everything on the market in order to heal whatever imperfection we have. Little do we know, testing out a ton of products can damage our skin way more than heal it. This is why we always recommend consulting with top specialists in the field as they see a ton of people with the same concerns. And usually, the solution is so much simpler than you think!

What is PRP?

PRP therapy refers to Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. It is a form of treatment that uses the plasma from your own blood in order to heal areas of your skin that are damaged. The way this works is, the dermatologist will take a sample of your blood. They will then use a special technique in order to separate the plasma from your blood. Plasma has special healing properties which can significantly heal damaged skin. The plasma is then reinjected back into your body on the site where your skin is damaged. This treatment continues a few times a month and before you know it, you’ll notice a big difference in the condition of your skin. This treatment is FDA-approved and is perfectly safe. It is however not recommended for patients with any sort of blood disorder or if they don’t have a good enough blood supply were taking their blood can cause more harm than good.

 Acid attack victim

We had a patient come in a few months ago and her story will forever be the reason why we do what we do. She had suffered second-degree burns on different areas of her body due to being a victim of an acid attack. She was really insecure about the way she looked and wanted to figure out if there was any way her scars would become less visible than they currently are. We sympathized with her story and we didn’t have much hope looking at the condition of her wounds. However, we were not ready to give up and wanted to give her a shot at a more confident life. After a quick survey about her medical history and evaluating the different sites where she suffered scarring due to the acid attack, we recommended starting the PRP therapy and working our way from there. The patient agreed and has been coming to her regularly scheduled appointments. Within a matter of a few weeks, she noticed a considerable change to the way her scars were looking. They were almost invisible! She was super satisfied and we were glad we could bring her confidence back.

Find top dermatologists in Charlotte for skin damage

If you’ve got any scars that you’d like to get fixed, look no further! Top dermatologists in Charlotte are more than happy to evaluate you and come up with a customized solution to your problem. Contact Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte, Charlotte’s top Ballantyne and Blakeney Dermatologist, for your dermatology care.