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Body contouring is quickly gaining popularity as a painless procedure to look slimmer and fitter. This procedure is done using Vanquish and has a lot of benefits.

What is body contouring?

Body contouring is a procedure in cosmetic dermatology that involves using surgical methods to reshape a body part. For example, if you have excess skin or loose fat, getting a body contour can help fix that. There is a nonsurgical option as well which includes using lasers or cold/heat methods to reduce fat. The session takes about 2 or 4 visits in a span of 3 weeks and each session takes about 30 minutes to complete. And the result of both surgical and nonsurgical contouring can last over 10 years, depending on how you take care of your body.

Easy and quick

One benefit of using vanquish for body contouring is that it is a non-invasive method. The session will be easy and quick. It will terminate your excess fat and give you a slimmer look. Most patients report changes a few weeks after treatment. This is because by then the body starts to naturally eliminate the fat cells in the body.


Another benefit of using vanquish for body contouring is that it gives you good end results. It can eliminate large portions at once. It is reported that 59% of fat can be removed using vanquish. It is very natural as it is a no-contact heat treatment. You do not need a strict diet during the treatment for it to be effective. You just need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid fat growing in other parts of your body.


Another reason why people prefer to use vanquish is that it is a relatively painless procedure. It is not a surgical method. What it does is that it uses heat to reduce fat in unwanted areas. The heating device does not touch your body at all. Most patients actually say that the sensation is like having a heating pad placed on you. During the treatment, the temperature of your body will increase above its normal level; however no need to worry. It will go back after the treatment is done and you will feel zero to no discomfort at all.

Find best Charlotte dermatologist for body contouring

Taking care of your skin is our top priority. After all, it is what gives you the most confidence the moment you wake up and before you go to bed. We want to make sure you do absolutely everything you can to keep your skin looking like perfection. If you have any queries related to your skin or you’d like to get evaluated to set up a good skincare routine that works best for you, contact Dermatology Specialists of Charlotte, Charlotte’s top Ballantyne and Blakeney Dermatologist, for your dermatology care.